A flaw that affects almost all cell phones allows you to steal your key or your home banking messages


It is called RAMpage and concerns all Android devices launched since 2012. But it could be used against Apple computers, computers and even servers
A team of researchers published a survey about a new vulnerability that affects all phones Android published in the past six years : he calls RAMpage and he attacks the RAM memory of smartphones.

In technical terms, it attacks the LPDDR memory modules that are included in all mobile phones put on the market since 2012 and affect virtually all versions of this component

However, this is not a new fault: it has the code name CVE-2018-9442 and a variant of the attack known as Rowhammer .

According to the documentation of the researchers, this new modality could allow a malicious application to obtain administrative authorizations that would allow it to read other applications including the ] pbadwords stored in pbadword managers or browsers, e-mail images posts and Like Rowhammer, rampage could also affect iPhone and other devices Apple computers and even servers that turn virtual machines While the team tested it with a smartphone LG G4 he could move the attack to another device using any LPDDR memory.

To avoid this, the researchers launched a tool called GuardION that allows users to protect themselves from attacks on their Android devices

" Prevents an attacker to modify data structures criti c carefully applying a new confidentiality policy ", they point out.

The software was licensed from open source on GitHub so that everyone can badyze it and improve it, and launch it for different phones .

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