A former Uruguayan soldier was sentenced to pay for the damage done to two memorials for missing persons


The Uruguayan courts today sentenced a former soldier to six months in prison, to be replaced by probation for the same period, for damaging two memorials for the missing persons. the civico-military dictatorship (1973-1985) as confirmed by the prosecutor of the case, Diana Salvo .

The man, who painted two green pads in the Calen dependence of the National Army, and at the Military Hospital also needs to repair the damage by cleaning the parts in less than 30 days.

The fact was captured by video surveillance cameras by the Ministry of Interior whereby the vehicle used was identified, which belongs to the former military officer.

One of the registration plates was inaugurated on June 21, 1945 and placed at the request of the Uruguayan human rights organizations, which is They presented to the Ministry of the Education and Culture his installation "in tribute to women and men detained and tortured" in a military barracks in Montevideo.

In our dictatorship, the walls we painted were whitewashed. We stubbornly knew how to put the slogans back. Combat and delivery are not covered with paint. For those who gave their lives for our freedom; a thousand times more will be read our homage. The intolerance will not happen. pic.twitter.com/IPXfgFsOGu

– Frente Amplio (@Frente_Amplio) June 25, 2018

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