A granddaughter investigated the murder of her grandmother: in Bogota, a Dominican involved in the homicide of Las Condes


In Bogotá, one of the Dominican citizens involved in the murder of a woman from Las Condes district was arrested. The suspect escaped while there was no warrant for his arrest, but it was effective in the Colombian capital.

The arrest of this subject, identified as being Miguel del Rosario, has materialized as a result of a red broadcast. published by Interpol Chile. The Dominican was re-boarded from Bogota and at Santiago International Airport, he was received by detectives from the homicide brigade for internally displaced persons.

Del Rosario will be made official by the theft of Elba Espinoza Silva, 62, committed last Thursday. For this crime, yesterday was made official R.Q.A.J., 16 years old, granddaughter of the victim who collaborated with the detainee and another subject, also Dominican, to steal a box with jewelry of the woman. The minor was provisionally interned in a Sename center.

The IDP intensively searches for the other stranger involved in the crime. Both are 18 and 19 years old and formed a group of criminals called "The Milk Chorus". The East Metropolitan Area Prosecutor's Office reported that the juvenile was providing youth with a means to enter the premises and on the proper badets, worth nearly 350,000 pesos. .

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