A kiss took the life of his baby. today tells his story


USA.- It is in May of this year that 19-year-old Abigail Rose lived the worst time of her life, her death of ] eight days. The young woman remembers that an innocent kiss took her life, a virus devoured her lungs and brain.

The young mother remembers the happiness she had experienced. After the birth of her daughter, Aliza, but after eight days, her joy turned to sadness.

The baby was born healthy, but 36 hours after he was born, he started having problems so that the doctors started doing exams. After the studies, they determined that the HSV-1 virus had contracted, which led to the development of neonatal herpes.

After several months of tragedy, Abigail dared to tell her story on her Facebook profile. , the hard process.

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"He was born healthy and had about 9 KILOS. He was healthy for a day and a half before the virus hsv-1 connected to his spine and does not eat his lungs and his brain ] ", reported the mother in his publication

Aliza died after a person touched her without washing her hands or kissing her as a carrier of virus.

"No matter who can be a carrier and show no sign! Up to at least two weeks and that parents can pbad them on too! Help us save the lives of more babies by telling our story and not kissing babies, wash your hands, do not kiss babies " explained the mother on the social network.

With this publication, Abigail wishes to warn all parents not to allow their babies to be sprayed because they may be exposed to many hazards.

moment, the publication was shared more than 300,000 vec is and has more than 36,000 comments and 182,000 reactions.

In this note:

  • United States
  • Kiss
  • Baby

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