A letter from Bishop Goic to Archbishop Ezzati helps the lawyer to camouflage himself


The debate of yesterday generated the letter of 11 June 2013, which was published by Reportajes of "El Mercurio", in which Mgr Alejandro Goic tells his concern to Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati about the processes badual abuse. "Sometimes I get the impression, maybe very subjective, that you do not share the criteria of the National Commission on these sensitive issues," says the letter Goic, who presided at that time.

The letter, which was written the same year that badual abuse victims of priest Fernando Karadima – Dr. James Hamilton, sociologist Jos Andrs Murillo and journalist Juan Carlos Cruz – lodged a complaint against the Archdiocese of Santiago, in September 2013, is part of the investigation for a possible concealment of the Fiscal and was found during the raid at the Archbishopric of Rancagua.

According to the lawyer Juan Pablo Hermosilla, who is part of the Foundation for Trust, established in 2010 by the victims of Karadima for To deal with cases of badual abuse that occur in contexts of Trust, the conclusion is relevant to the investigation.

"It is very important that this document be known because it helps the public prosecutor to advance Hermosilla says that the" letter is strong ", but it goes in the direction of what they have supported over the last eight years and in their application, about "indolence with victims from the emotional and ethical point of view so difficult to understand. "

The letter was not the only thing that sparked controversy yesterday, also the interview of Ana Mara Celis, lawyer expert in canon law, who is also the link between the Church and the Prosecutor for Abuse Cases She explained that the denounced cases concerning crimes of competence of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are protected by pontifical secrecy and require the confidentiality of not wearing invasion of the complainant's privacy. "It is a very serious charge to confuse concealment with non-reporting, except when the victim has asked for confidentiality," he told "El Mercurio". [19659002] Hermosilla says that he understood that this question had already been resolved "by the pope. It is evident that there has been a systematic series of actions and omissions (within the Church) that have not sought to protect the papal secret or to protect the victims.

"It is very important that this document be known because it helps the prosecution to move forward and clarify the problems of concealment.
Attorney for the victims of the Karadima case and part of the Foundation for Trust.

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