A man harassed and cut off the tongue of a girl with Down syndrome to Sugar



The Down Syndrome Foundation of the city of Sucre proceeded today to a new mobilization claiming justice for a nine-year-old girl who was raped in recent days by a man who was not safe. 39, is not satisfied he cut his tongue for not being able to ask for help

Several people participated in the protest march that crossed the main streets of the capital until the door of the general prosecutor's office of Chuquisaca, where they asked the maximum penalty for the accused.


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"We will continue to focus in front of the Office of the Prosecutor to seek justice from the authorities on this regrettable fact that has happened against this girl," said Norma Navarro, vice president of the Beijing Association of Parents. children with Down syndrome to Sugar.

According to police investigations, the event was recorded July 9 in the Yurc Yurac neighborhood, where the girl was playing . The accused had transferred the child to his house under construction, perpetrated badual abuse and cut off his tongue.

"In addition to having raped, the man has cut his tongue so that he does not speak or shout. The head of the neighborhood (where the case occurred), we are shocked, "said the city's director of social development, Nelly Tórrez, according to a report by journalist Iván Ramos.

A day after the fact, the attacker was apprehended by the police and subsequently detained as a precaution at San Roque prison . "The lawyer continues with the process that legally corresponds to this aggressor and inhuman, complies with the convicts that are given, "said Tórrez.

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