"A Millennial History": 11 books on the history and future of Arica and Parinacota


"I am
luckily tired, it's a nice burnout to get to this launch and
to publish the 11 books "
is the first thing that the
journalist and writer Hermann Mondaca Raiteri at the end of the ceremony
held in the Aula Magna of UTA last Friday. "It's a chain
of work that involves many people and the printing press is the key, a
special recognition to Jaime Aramayo of Editorial and Print Krom for the
excellent quality of printing, I'm happy because I felt the love
people who came because they are interested in knowing the history of the region "adds
Mondaca Raiteri.

Among those present, Senator José Miguel
Insulza expressed "Arica has the fortune
to have Hermann Mondaca and his grandfather to tell the regional story, I'm going to
read the books with pleasure. "
Jessica Rozas President of the Association
Tourist Guides of Arica and Parinacota stresses that "updating information is fundamental to us, our
history must be unified and Hermann will provide us with our training "
For Roxana Gardilcic President of the Association of Olive Growers of Azapa "Hermann is thanked for his simple way,
honest and unselfish when delivering his work to the city and to the Aricans to
that we value our region more. "

Outstanding participation in the Ballet
Folkloric of the UTA, the presentation of the collection of books "Arica y
Parinacota. The Millennium Land in the heart of America "by the University
and researcher Dr. Alfonso Díaz Aguad, who stressed "without a doubt that the books of
Hermann is a contribution to culture and regional history and consolidates identity
of the ariqueñismo that has been strengthened in the last years. "And the young award-winning
The 8 year old reader who is in second year Nicolás Castro Padilla: "I like books because they contain
information that does not appear on TV and the Internet, and more importantly:
They make travel in time and in space, as they did with "Journey to the Heart of
Time ", The" Legend of Jurasi ", or" The Cave of the Inca. "Every time I travel, I take
a small piece of Arica with me with the books of Hermann Mondaca Raiteri "

At the end of the ceremony, the author Mondaca
Raiteri has not missed the opportunity to express his wishes for the future
d & # 39; Arica. "The special plan (Pedze)
means the beginning of the term of abandonment of Arica and Parinacota, but
We need a state policy for this territory, which is the result of a
Arielño's new collective dream, the leaders who work for the common good of
the region, surpbading partisan and caudillo logic. This new dream
collective requires the participation of all actors transversally. "

The event was led by the rector of
the University of Tarapacá Dr. Arturo Flores Fránulic who demonstrated
pleased to welcome this activity which contributes to the development and study of
our region and the ancestral culture. At the end of the launch of the collection
literally in the so-called "cultural offer" it was confirmed that they were acquired as
voluntary donation 700 pounds, a real record.

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