A missile explodes on a German ship due to a failure and injures crew members (VIDEO)


The Air Defense Frigate leaves the frigate Lübeck, an underwater hunter, for military trials in Norwegian waters in the Arctic Circle.

The images were recently released on social networks and confirmed. The naval force of Germany what happened, dating from June 21 last.

The ship Sachsen was trying to fire a missile 2, known as SM-2, from the vertical launcher system that is in front of

The missile did not leave the launcher, but its charge exploded when the missile was still on the frigate.

The missile SM-2 caused damage to the cover and also injured two members of the crew.

"We were standing in front of a fire wall fire," said the ship's captain, Thomas Hacken, in a statement the Navy of Germany. [19659002] It is unclear what happened at the launch and they opened investigations to find out what happened.

This does not go beyond the fact that the wounds of the two seamen were greater.

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