A new blood test promises to detect melanomas early | Cancer


A new blood test with "diagnostic autoantibodies" could detect melanoma at an early stage in more than 80% of patients, "said experts at the Edith Cowan University (ECU) of Australia on July 18. 19659002] The method was patented internationally as a blood test (MelDx), with a grant from the National Board of Health and Medical Research of Australia, and Tour de Cure, to further investigate.

" a breakthrough that will save thousands of lives, in addition to millions of dollars for the health system ," said the team, given the cost of biopsies and treatments Today in the advanced stages of cancer

. Pauline Zaenker said that when a melanoma is detected in its initial stage, the survival rate is five years between 90 and 99 percent. On the other hand, if it is not detected early and spreads throughout the body, "the five-year survival rate drops to less than 50 percent."

"This is what makes this blood test so exciting as a potential screening tool because it can detect melanoma in its early stages when it is still treatable."

(Melanoma Research Group ECU)

The test is based on the fact that the body starts to produce antibodies so as soon as the melanoma develops, said Ms. Zaenker. "We examined a total of 1627 different types of antibodies to identify a combination of 10 antibodies that best indicated the presence of melanoma in confirmed patients compared to healthy volunteers."

The study was published July 18 in the journal Oncotarget.

The traditional way to confirm the presence of a melanoma is by means of a visual examination of part of the skin that has been excised and sent for a biopsy. These biopsies are usually 1 x 1 cm, which means a delicate and very invasive process.

"They are also costly, previous research has shown that the Australian health care system spends $ 201 million a year on melanoma" Although doctors do a fantastic job, "he adds," with the tools available , relying solely on biopsies can be problematic. We know that three out of four biopsies are negative for melanoma. "

Melanoma (Wikimedia)

Clinical Trials

The Australian University stated that a follow-up clinical trial was underway to validate the results." We believe that this will take about three years. If successful, we hope to have a test ready for use in pathology clinics soon after, "says Professor Mel Ziman of ECU

" The ultimate goal is that this blood test be used to provide greater diagnostic certainty prior to biopsy and for routine screening of individuals at increased risk of melanoma, such as those with a large number of moles or with a pale complexion or a family history of the disease.


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