A new vaccine that protects against four influenza strains arrives in Argentina – Telam


A new quadrivalent influenza vaccine covering four influenza strains has been introduced in Argentina and will arrive in the country in the coming months, experts said.

"The vaccine appears as a response to the evolution of the epidemiology badociated with the co-circulation of two strains of influenza This new quadrivalent dose protects against four strains in total: two A and two B, unlike the one used up to here, which only covers three viruses, "explained to Telam Federico Nacinovich, head of the Infectology Department of the Cardiovascular Institute of Buenos Aires (ICBA).

The member also of the Vaccine Commission of the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases (SADI) added that, although the new vaccine is already integrated into the Chilean national calendar, for example, Argentina will be available "before the next flu season ".

Patricia Cervantes, medical director of influenza at the laboratory Sanofi Pasteur L atinoamérica, who will produce the vaccine, explained that the innovation is due to an "badytical monitoring of the development of the virus". "There are several seasons, the B virus has played a leading role and it is with this virus that we are still in debt because the trivalent vaccine contains only one of the circulating strains, leaving a percentage without cover. " The quadrivalent vaccine covers this problem. space, "he said.

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