A new video of the controversial tribute paid to Krassnoff at the military school is revealed


A new sporting activity record that took place on October 6 at Escuela Militar was unveiled this Saturday.

This event was attended by Miguel Krbadnoff Bbada, son of the former CNI agent convicted of crimes against humanity, who thanked those present for "the courage and virility" to remember "soldiers which not everyone can remember.

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This led the Chilean army to make the decision to appeal to the renunciation of the colonels Germán Villarroel Opazo and Miguel Krbadnoff Bbada . The latter had already asked for his retirement.

The new video shows the current former director of the Military School delivering a speech on sports activity conducted.

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" The spirit that we see, the joy, the meeting, the friendship, the camadería so many virtues that we live as cadets, and some of us continue to live in the Army and probably many of you continue to live in their respective lives, "said former Colonel Villarroel.

Remember that after the departure of the colonels, protesters came to the gates of the military school to show their rejection of the decision made by the army.

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