A night of trans-Andean flavors in Tegui


Germán Martitegui received Kurt Schmidt, creator of 99 in Santiago de Chile: a restaurant that ranks 14th out of the top 50 in Latin America.

In a new episode of ICBC Exclusive Gourmet – the gastronomic cycle that diffuses other culinary styles and other cultures on a journey around the world through experiences
foodie- the great guest Germán Martitegui receives Kurt Schmidt. The Chilean chef is the creator of 99, a restaurant in Santiago de Chile that is ranked 14 out of the top 50 in Latin America. They cooked together a 9-course menu paired with an exclusive dinner.

"Receiving Kurt is a great joy, I think we need to get closer to Chile and its culinary culture and it is an excellent representative of the new generation of Chilean leaders," starts Germán Martitegui. And he continues to introduce his guest chef: "He prepares a Chilean meal without stridencies or pretensions, with a fresh and young look that respects his products, that's why we feel identified with what we are trying to do in Tegui . " In the menu that they designed for that special night, this harmony is perceived. "We are going to make four dishes each, which are destined to be integrated, we have been planning this meal for a long time, among my people there is a bream in two versions, a Córdoba duck with cbadava and honey, and for dessert Exotic fruits they represent all corners of the country. "In addition to some appetizers of matte bread, pine mushroom with mashed pine nuts, and topinambur with their respective leaves.

The 2018 cycle of
ICBC Exclusive Gourmet started with everything in Mendoza, when Tegui temporarily moved to SuperUco, to bring the best restaurant in Argentina at the foot of the mountain range. This time, the crossing crosses the Andes, since the mountains act as a natural separation between Argentina and Chile, a geographical distance that is outdated in a menu of combined stages.

"We are going to show the tradition, what we do there: typical Chilean dishes, like the corn cake, which talks about corn and a trip to the south of my country, where it is prepared in clay ovens. The fish reflects the techniques that were used in Chile when there were no refrigerators and people smoked meat to keep it, "says Kurt Schmidt, and of course, there must be seafood:" I've prepared a crab crab, which is a soft crab, we have 7000 km of coastline, which identifies us is the sea, it's our best kept treasure, why do I say? saved "because there are still products that we do not know, and my responsibility as a leader is to spread them."

The Chilean leader has a social perspective of his profession, a mission expressed in 99 (his restaurant in Santiago) and in the new "We go for cow's milk, we make cheeses and cold meats, we make vermouth and craft beer, we distill, we ferment, we pick", enumerates Kurt. A philosophy that is also present tonight: "
Ode to Onion went out to go to the market and find some discarded onion bags. We wounded the belly to see so much food wasted, then we took 400 kilos and treated them with different techniques, we made broth, powder, mashed potatoes, crisps. Cook less with the wallet and more with creativity, ingenuity. Saving something that has been wasted and giving it value makes cooking so meaningful.

This year, four episodes of ICBC Exclusive Gourmet are to be discovered: "The only thing I can say is that Kurt is the head of the nearest country. "We will move away, we will get involved in crops that we have not shown up to now," said Germán, who closes the ICBC Exclusive Banking clients and who wants to take advantage of the gastronomic experience of Tegui.
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