A sex party in Argentina ends with a divorce petition after a video leak: "cagamos todos" | Internationale


A group of friends held in Saenz Peña, Chaco Province. They told their wives that they would rent a quinta from the province of Corrientes and even created a group of Whatsapp to gather ideas and something else, according to the audio-visual recordings circulating in Argentina and -of the. this territory.

Newspapers like Clarín have recorded the story, which presents a complicated plot in the background. This is not for less. The headlines say that it's a bad party and the audio-visual evidence does not help refute the facts.

Everything went well, according to the organizers, until apparently one of the wives was deceived by the alleged cohabitation between men. , had access to the recordings that the same subjects made inside the property, where they chatted with a group of women, in tiny swimsuits, who danced for them while they drank alcohol.

  Clarín | Argentina
Clarín | Argentina

The 24Siete.info website published the Whatsapp audio of the woman, who told another of the people affected by the behavior of the husbands, that she had sent the videos herself to all the people concerned to make them to know how much he was aware of his scandalous party. They asked him not to viralize the material, but at this point, with the reach that he has on social networks, you know what happened.

"I do not know how the video came to you, but the person who sent it to me said they'd been doing it for a while … eh Well, as they knew me and knew what Claudius was, they wanted to open my eyes, they wanted me to discover everything they did in the group, "says the outraged woman .

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/shd5fvc6zjkm -128-mp3-1.mp3

Another of the viralis audios is that of one of the participants in the badual part, which confirms the marital breakdowns that have left the "escape" of the spouses, who did not imagine the problem that would bring them to a few days of the event.

"The arming puterío is incredible, they will be separated". He added: "Claudio's Kawasaki will die, Gary's Honda will die, they are about to make a disaster" he says in the voice note, without revealing his identity.

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/01d4ghynrlav-128- mp3.mp3

In fact, some of them showed their support after explaining the state of the situation, confirming that they had already been fugued from their homes after the scandal that they accuse the "traitors" of the group.

  Clarín | Argentina
Clarín | Argentina

The woman who had access to the videos was the first to take concrete action. Her husband, Claudio, has already left home that they share. Another unspecified number of subjects experienced the same fate or their wives left the house to discover the trickery. We know that the "mines" identified by the woman in the audio come from the same place where everyone lives.

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