A smart watch saves a person after a heavy fall


Smart watches not only allow to see the time or receive notifications of messages, but in some cases, can help in risky situations and even save lives.

This was the case of Gustavo Rodríguez a 34-year-old man victim of a domestic accident and who saved his life thanks to his smart watch: an Apple watch Watch.

According to the Swedish publication Aftonbladet, Rodríguez cooked his house, until suddenly, he felt an intense back pain similar to that of a knife embedded in his back.

Product of pain, the man eventually falling to the ground, unable to get up but a few minutes later, his Apple Watch sent him an alert notification from his fall and asking him He wanted to call an ambulance for help.

Despite the request, Rodriguez gave up and used the clock to call his mother-in-law who lived nearby and who eventually transferred him to the hospital.

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