A sniper attacks the writing of a newspaper in the United States: five dead


Police at the scene of the attack to initiate skills after filming in Annapolis, Maryland Source: LA NACION

The badailant, while arrested, entered the building with a shoulder gun and fired on employees of the Capital Gazette; his motives are unknown and if he had any connection with the company

WASHINGTON.- In an incident considered a police incident, unrelated to terrorist acts, at least five people died yesterday during the night. a shooting in an Annapolis building. from Maryland and near Washington, where the local newspaper's writing works
Capital Gazette and other offices

The death toll of the attacker, arrested by the authorities, was revealed by the police chief William Krampf at the time. a press conference, during which he said: people were injured and some were hospitalized during the incident of mbad shootings in the United States during this year.

Authorities indicated that after the attack of
Capital Gazette was arrested a "white adult" suspect who was carrying a shoulder gun and was interrogated. Until yesterday we did not know what his motivation was and if he had any connection with the newspaper.

Filming began around 3 pm local time at 800 Bestgate Street, where the writing of
Capital Gazette in 2014.

"The shooter fired through the glbad door into the office and opened fire on several employees," tweeted Phil Davis, who identified himself as Journalist of the Courts and Events

"There is nothing more terrible than hearing how many people are shot while you are under your desk and you hear the gunman refueling his gun," tweeted Davis

. A man shot several people in my office, some of them died. "

Also the publisher of the
Capital Gazette Jimmy DeButts, expressed his shock on the social network. "Devastated and sorry, paralyzed," tweeted DeButts. "Please stop asking for information / interviews, I'm not able to speak, I just know that @capgaznews journalists and editors give everything they have every day." There are no 40-hour weeks or big payments. our community. "He also added that his diary
"tries to expose the corruption."

About 45 minutes after filming, the media managed to start publishing news of the incident on its website,

Karen Burd, 27, was on her fourth day working by signing tax litigation in the same building when the attack took place. "It's crazy, you see these things at the news, but you never think what will happen to you."

This is a colleague who told him that there was a shooter active in the building. Burd's first reaction was to find a room to lock up and form a barricade with five other colleagues. Then they called 911 to let them know that they were there and stayed in the area until the police came knocking on the door.

"I started praying," Burd says with tears in his eyes. "We just think it could be my last day."

A few hours later, the police indicated that the building was safe, but that it was considered a crime scene, so it was closed until the end of the investigation and

Live video footage showed people leaving the building and walking in a parking lot with their hands up. A police helicopter flew over the scene throughout the afternoon.

Capital Gazette stands as one of the oldest publishing houses in the country, with roots dating back to
Maryland Gazette, in 1727.

The governor of this state, Larry Hogan, was shocked by the attack. "I felt completely upset when I heard about this tragedy in Annapolis," he wrote on Twitter. In addition, he asked the population to follow all the indications of the authorities.

"I was informed of the shooting in (the newspaper)
Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, "tweeted President Donald Trump, who has a tense relationship with the media.

The city of Annapolis, capital of the state, has 40,000 inhabitants and is generally visited by tourists for its location in the Chesapeake Bay and its historic center, which dates back to the 16th century, and is also home to the North American Naval School.

Reuters Agency and AFP

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