A study ensures that dogs feel resentment and prove it | The society


The fact of being considered the "best friend of man" does not mean that they can be hurt at will. This confirms a scientific study which indicates that dogs resent when they are harmed.

The paper was prepared by scientists from the Messerli Research Institute of the University of Vienna who compared behaviors . wolves and dogs in case of conflict between them

In the article published by the journal Royal Society Open Science, the action of a group of captive wolves ran into a series of problems and was badyzed. the way dogs tell each other in a shelter.

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raincarnation40 | Pixabay (CCO)

The fact that wolves tend to reconcile quickly after the fight (they return to work together), while dogs have grudges between them after a fight.

The researchers observed more specifically the activities of 4 herds of wolves and dogs kept in captivity for a limited time after being trapped in their natural habitat.

The veterinarian and researcher in charge of the study, Simona Cafazzo, said that wolves had an ability to "forget misunderstandings" much more developed than dogs.

"The fact of not knowing each other generated many conflicts, on average, once an hour, but the conflicts tended to be ephemeral and the fighters to reconcile almost immediately later " he commented.

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PICNIC_Fotografie | Pixabay (CCO)

On the other hand, Cafazzo claimed that dogs tended to fight much more aggressively and were then ignored for hours.

"They (dogs) were also new to each other, which caused occasional confrontations, but unlike wolves, dogs tend to fight each other more cruelly and avoid each other after fighting, instead of reconciling, instead of being reconciled.

that rapid conflict resolution is the key to survival of wolves in their natural environment, which explains their actions.

On the other hand, they added that dogs have lost many of their survival skills due to systematic domestication have had with man in history.

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