A tourist was bitten by a cat and died a few days later


November 13, 2018

This is a man from England. He was hit by the cat during his holidays in Morocco. British authorities have reported that it was a case of rabies.

  Gato Marruecos

Morocco – A British tourist decided to travel to Morocco to enjoy his holidays. Unfortunately, they were the last ones.

As reported in the journal The Guardian the man whose identity was not transcended died as a result of a cat bite and rabies.

of England (PHE) issued Monday, November 12, a warning to all residents of the country after the man became ill. Although "there is no risk" for the general public, it was announced that the victim's family, as well as his friends and the medical staff who accompanied him were under surveillance and will receive the necessary vaccines.

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According to the British Portal, Jimmy Whitworth Professor of International Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has stated that it was "of a person who had had contact with a cat who behaved abnormally" . He added that the tourist, after being bitten, "had sought attention in Morocco and the United Kingdom, but unfortunately, when he received the vaccine, it was too late" . The specialist estimated that "the cat bit this person a few weeks ago" .

 Cat suffering from rabies in Morocco

The World Health Organization describes rabies as being [19659009] "an infectious viral disease that ends up being fatal in almost all cases once the clinical symptoms appeared ".

A 19-month pregnant woman, 19 years pregnant, and her partner died after her collapse. his house. https://t.co/fKpfo8jHaW

– Radio Miter (@radiomitre) Nov. 14, 2018

According to the body, "up to 99% of human cases , the virus is transmitted by domestic dogs However, the disease affects both domestic animals and wild animals and is normally transmitted to people by saliva by bites or scratches "

Among the symptoms, the WHO explains that " The incubation period of rabies is usually 1 to 3 months, but can go from a week to a year , depending on factors such as the location of the point of inoculation and the viral load. " The first manifestations are fever accompanied by pain or paresthesia at the site of the wound. Paresthesia is a tingling, itching or burning sensation that is unusual or unexplained by another cause. As the virus spreads through the central nervous system, progressive inflammation of the brain and spinal cord eventually leads to death [19459]. [ad_2]
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