A violent police raid in Nicaragua leaves 10 dead


At least 10 people, including two minors and around 20 wounded, left on Sunday a violent incursion of police and paramilitary forces into several towns in southern Nicaragua, an international rights organization said. ;man. there are civilians, including two minors, and four riot police, according to a preliminary report of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (Anpdh).

The attack was recorded in the city of Masaya, 30 kilometers south of Managua. and the neighboring communities of Niquinohomo, Catarina and Monimbó district

"This is a preliminary report, it is still investigating the names and ages of the deceased," said the president of the group. Anpdh Álvaro to reporters. Leiva

He added that they asked the authorities to open a way to evacuate the wounded but they did not allow him.

"There are snipers in different parts of the city." Give us shelter in their homes, "said Leiva

The paramilitaries shoot

The paramilitaries attacked on Sunday the vehicle in which Nicaraguan Bishop Abelardo Mata was traveling en route to the city of Masaya, "The bishop, who is one of the five Catholic hierarchs mediators in the dialogue between the government and opposition ", was intercepted by paramilitaries who were intercepted by government forces but" out of danger. "They broke their car, broke the glbad and wanted to burn it," he said. said his badistant, Roberto Petray.

The Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, said on Twitter that he was talking with Mata and that "thank goodness he is good, danger."

The attack took place on the road at the height of the municipality of Nindirí, in the department of Masaya.

Petray said that Mata, a stern critic of Daniel Ortega's government, is well known and Everyone in the community knows that he travels every Sunday at the same time in this area. "They did locate it," said the badistant.

"Paramilitary groups no longer respect anyone," criticized Anpdh secretary Álvaro Leiva about the attack on the priest

. Death in Nicaragua since the protests of April 18 against the government of Ortega, former 72-year-old guerrilla, accused by the protesters of establishing a dictatorship with his wife, Vice President, Rosario Murillo.

] Hours of Terror

Police and paramilitaries besieged some 200 students entrenched at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) between Friday and Saturday, in a violent attack that killed two people and 14 wounded.

After about 20 hours of terror, a leadership of the Catholic Church allowed the youth to leave the temple of Divina Misericordia, where they took refuge after being shot at UNAN in the south West of Managua.

No shooting to kill. It was very hard, with high caliber weapons, only with mortars, "says a young man in the central cathedral of Managua, where they were taken on board buses escorted by ambulances and by The mediating ecclesiastical procession, nearly three months in the barricades, was the last stronghold of student resistance, the spearhead of civil society that demands the resignation of Ortega, whom they accuse of. a brutal repression and establish a dictatorship.

Ortega, was He was appointed by his opponents to establish a dictatorship with his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo, by total control of the powers of the State.

Spain and the European Union joined this Sunday the group of countries that called the Immediate cessation of violence in the country of Central America, the United States United States, Brazil, Mexico and Chile has already done the same e request, as did the Secretary General of the Organization. United States (OAS), Luis Almagro (AFP)

Ecuador rejects violence in Nicaragua

Ecuador condemned Sunday violence in Nicaragua and launched an "urgent appeal "to the government of this country. country that guarantees the human rights of the people in the midst of the crisis that leaves at least 280 dead.

Quito expressed "deep concern over the grave situation in Nicaragua and its condemnation for the growing number of cases". The government of President Lenin Moreno advocated a dialogue "in good faith and with political will" to reach a solution in Nicaragua, where 10 people died Sunday and 20 were injured during a violent incursion by the police and paramilitary forces in several cities.

Ecuador "launches an urgent appeal to the Government of Nicaragua for it to guarantee human rights". the civilian population, to investigate and punish those responsible for acts of violence, and to resume the necessary actions to find a peaceful and democratic solution, "added the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On 18 April, a wave of protests erupted the release of power of President Daniel Ortega. (AFP)

Source: AFP

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