A week after the disappearance of 12 children in Thailand: rescuers accelerate research


What started as an excursion after the training ended in the worst way: twelve young footballers and their technical director are missing since last Saturday at the Grotto of Than Luang Nang, North of Thailand

The miners, between 11 and 15 years old, entered [cave] with their bicycles in 19659003, but as it turned out, they were in a hurry after that. a flood has increased the underground torrent of the place.

The main obstacle to the discovery of the children's football team was the intense rain raging in the area, as the many pbadages of the cave were flooded due to bad weather.

The cave is 10 years old. kilometers in length, so the disappearance mobilized about 1,300 soldiers and rescuers.

Meanwhile, divers who are on the scene described the mission as "dipping into a cup of coffee" ] because of poor visibility due to the accumulation of Water and mud.

Although the teams have 20 pumps to extract and reduce the level of water, the work has not yet borne fruit.

For this reason, the authorities announced on Friday that they would drop packages containing food, water, phones and maps through the cave holes, hoping that they would not be able to use them. they will be found by the missing

. Doctors waiting in the area performed a simulation before the hypothetical transfer of the 13 victims to the nearest hospital. At the same time, today's research has been accelerated by decreasing precipitation in the northern province of Chiang Rai.

Groups of Buddhist monks held religious ceremonies at the entrance of the cave and in other parts of the country to request the rescue of these 13 lives.

Foreigners come to help

This Saturday part of the Australian Police and Army Corps were deployed to join foreign teams who already

Among them, US military and British experts from a cave exploration club stand out.

China has also sent its team, in this case six adjusters who have experience saving lives in Myanmar. and Nepal, according to a statement from the Chinese Embbady in Bangkok

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