A woman dies in Las Condes: she was reportedly suffocated with a pillow


The East Metropolitan Area Attorney's Office confirmed that the woman found dead in a home in Las Condes District had been homicide victim, apparently by suffocation, with a pillow on the face. For the moment, the motive of the crime is unknown.

Prosecutor Ernesto Navarro, who opened the investigation, said that the expertise of IDP specialists had confirmed the intervention of third parties in the death of Elba Espinoza Silva, aged 62 . , whose body was found in the morning by the counselor of the home.

Navarro described the crime as complex, because in the house located in the street Antonia Salas 823 were the son of the victim aged 27, some grandchildren and the counselor of the house who found the body on the bed, covered with a sheet.

He added that expertise was also requested of the woman's son, who would have psychiatric problems, although all present now in the house at the time of the events. they are witnesses. Moreover, it was not checked whether the mobile was a robbery.

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