A young man who threatened his partner with a haunting weapon in front of a three-year-old girl is arrested | National


Detectives of the La Serena Criminal Brigade arrested a 24-year-old man, who was accused of beating his partner and threatening him with a weapon .

According to the antecedents, the facts would have occurred in the house they shared, where the young man badaulted her with fists and feet in different parts of the body. Then, began to threaten her with a mesmerizing weapon while she was with her three-year-old daughter, said Diario El Día.

"The local prosecutor 's office was informed, badisting the building, declaring the existence of weapons spells, in addition to a cartridge, proceeded to the l'. arrest of the subject in flagrante delicto for violation of the law on arms and minor injuries in the context of domestic violence " explained the commissioner Carlos Paz, chief of the unit of police

After that , the detainee was put at the disposal of the court to control his detention, while the weapon will be badyzed by experts of the Laboratory of Forensic Science

. in progress

It is possible that charges may be dismissed at the end of the investigation, for which the accused or the accused should not be considered guilty until the end of the investigation. Judgment Against Him
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

Violence against Women

If You Are a Victim or Witness of Violence Against Women, Report 149 of the Carabineros or receives indications in 800 104 008 from Sernameg

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