ABB bets on the automation of Mexican logistics


The technology firm ABB will seek to expand its presence in industrial automation in Mexico in the coming years. Logistics and Transportation are strategic sectors in his plan.

In recent decades, the automotive industry has been its main customer in the introduction of robotic solutions, followed by sectors such as food and beverage, consumer, pharmaceutical and electronics.

The arrival of foreign investment in the country with greater visibility in the Bajío region, has influenced the expansion of ABB in the country. Since 2009, it has an engineering and manufacturing complex in San Luis Potosí, where are manufactured and designed high, medium and low voltage systems, as well as products and systems for robotics, control and Automation

He determined that in robotics he wanted to offer new solutions in logistics and transportation worldwide. In Mexico, we started saying that we need to put these solutions on the market and examine them with customers, "Sergio Bautista, director of ABB's Robotics division in Mexico, told T21.

The country is among the nations most potential for industrial automation.According to the Automation Readiness Index prepared by ABB and The Economist Intelligence Unit, Mexico ranks 23rd out of 25 in this ranking, which notes, among others , the efforts Government must make room for the wave of technology that exists in the world

ABB has begun to introduce some solutions to the Mexican market of logistics and transportation in a nascent way. to expand its presence will seek to have a greater approach with this segment to develop robots that generate more value to their activities.

"We are with some ideas in development and we are We can participate better with these products. Whenever there is a greater need on the market. We found a mix that may not yet cover the whole concept of logistics and transportation. We are talking about making a robotic distribution center from start to finish, but today it still can not be done. "

But in this project ABB also began to" evangelize "small and medium-sized enterprises to penetrate these areas and not only attend the first supply chain of large companies, such as

Thus, the company was facing a divergence: it must now think of robots or automated processes to serve, in addition to the traditional industry, others. open markets with the arrival and expansion of e-commerce.

"Here the solution is different, you need vision flights to be able to distinguish what you need, what you have and how you will take them and then incorporate them into a process line. And adapt to take pieces of different sizes, that's where we do more technological development, "said Bautista.

The specialist notes three obstacles that have yet to be overcome in this market for a larger introduction of robotic solutions: no need for excellent preparation to program a robot; they are not very expensive and we must eradicate the fear that automation makes the environment more complex.

Similarly, Sergio Bautista commented that work should go rather to bed towards the construction of factories of the future ] where technology, productive needs and new generations of staff complement each other

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