Abbott vs. Gajardo: Rescuers at the Penta's Attorney's Office face them again


The decision of the eighth Court of Guarantee to approve the abridged procedure against the controllers of Penta, Carlos Eugenio Lavín and Carlos Alberto Delano, as well as the former undersecretary of Mines, Pablo Wagner, in the setting of the Penta Case, differences of opinion between the national prosecutor Jorge Abbott, and the former prosecutor of the case, Carlos Gajardo.

Abbott gave a helping hand to prosecutor Manuel Guerra and badured that the prosecution showed huge forces. "Just remember the reaction in the Hurricane operation, rarely seen in history, it seems unfair to us to appreciate it and we have to see the causes like Corpescas and SQM that are going to be judged where people with relevant positions appear "Knowing and studying the background of the investigation resulted in the intimate conviction that he had to reform and he, within the scope of his legal powers, made a decision based on the belief that he has arrived, "Abbott added in connection with prosecutor Guerra.

This Wednesday, the hearing of the Penta case took place, in which the court accepted the application of the prosecutor and eliminated the crime of corruption and bribery and only the employers were recognized for their involvement in tax crimes, despite the refusal of the complainants of the CDE and the Intelligent Citizen Foundation who were marginalized from the process [19659004] Darts of Gajardo

Contrary to the statements of Jorge Abbott was Carlos Gajardo, who was the persecutor of the cause at the beginning. next to Pablo Norambuena. "What signals do we give as a country if, in the end, the most serious cases, the big economic portholes, end in the end without effective sanctions?" Gajardo interviewed in an interview with Radio Cooperativa.

The former prosecutor reminded that the company headed by Delano and Lavín paid three million pesos every two months to the undersecretary Wagner.

"The message that is given by the Office of the Prosecutor, the worst I think, is to say today to all businessmen in Chile: You can pay three million pesos to a minister, an undersecretary, a parliamentarian "

Finally, the former attorney said that" the problem with probity is just that there are people who believe that the money can do anything and it seems like the state gives them the right, because he says, "Well, if I catch you, you pay me and nothing is wrong. pbaded here ", that can not be the signal given by a modern state." [19659005] Long-standing struggle

This is not the first time that Gajardo and Abbott have differences of opinion In April, during the Public Prosecutor's Office, the National Prosecutor took the opportunity to send a message to the persecutors: "There is no space for personal interests or the pro eminence. "

Abbott's remarks did not go well. On this occasion, stating that "the National Prosecutor should take advantage of this public account to take stock of his administration and to worry about the serious problems that exist in terms of security and corruption, it seems to me that I am wasting my time Attorneys the way they should do their job is a waste of time that has aroused the understandable annoyance of the Association of Prosecutors. "

The sentence against the Penta controllers and l & # 39; former undersecretary Wagner will be announced July 9 at 14:00 The prosecution has requested a 4-year sentence of imprisonment, which could be released, and the payment of a fine of $ 1,700 million .

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