Abortion: the government replaces the version of conscientious objection of former President Bachelet – Policy


© Agencia Uno   Abortion: the government replaces the version of the conscientious objection of former President Bachelet

La Moneda finally sent to the Office of the Controller the regulation where he reincorporates the restriction imposed on private health facilities for that they do not receive case of the application of the objection of institutional conscience.

24Horas.cl TVN


Finally and after a long period of political debate regarding the regulations developed by the current Ministry of Health ] on the objection of awareness in the law of the voluntary termination of pregnancy under three motives the government chose to reincorporate the restriction imposed by the previous administration of Michelle Bachelet to private health facilities in case of 39, application of the objection of institutional conscience.

This was announced La Tercera ] where they state that the Controller already has in his possession a draft regulation sent by La Moneda where he states that "private health facilities , who have signed agreements governed by the provisions of Decree Law No. 36 of 1980, of the Ministry of Health, may be conscientious objectors provided that the above-mentioned agreements do not concern obstetric and gynecological services. "

Recall that this regulation was repealed by the current government, only 12 days after taking office on March 11. After that, there was a strong confrontation between the political forces that resulted in the arrest at the head of the health portfolio in May.

The new regulation establishes that the regional ministerial health secretariats will be responsible for receiving and authorizing applications from institutions that wish to accept the objection. In addition, it is considered that the objecting institutions must guarantee the provision of the patient, in the same way as the non-beneficiary who has no staff to perform the services.


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