Accidents decreased by 79% during the long weekend in the region of Aysén


The Institution stressed the behavior of citizens, since there were 11 cases less than last year on the same date and a total of 2,129 checks and inspections that resulted in the Arrest of 34 offenders for various reasons.
Aysen.- A special service of order, security and transit was set up by the Carabinieri in the region of Aysén between Friday, June 29 and Monday, July 2 and gave rise various patrols and checks en route. which added to drivers' sense of responsibility and self-care, resulted in a 79% reduction in vehicle accidents, 11 fewer cases than in the same period of the previous year, as revealed in the police report published Carabineros
"We carried out checks with Senda both in the municipality of Coyhaique and in Puerto Aysén, which helped us to reduce and considerable in terms of road accidents. the traffic is concerned, not to have any victims to regret, so we evaluate very well the behavior of drivers during the weekend, "said Lt. Col. Cristián Martínez Videla, deputy prefect of the departments of the Prefecture of Carabineros Aysén
The previous year – during the badyzed period – there were 14 cases of accidents, while last weekend three cases were reported, motivated by the loss of control of the phone mobile and driving in the state of intoxication
During the long weekend, the service deployed by the riflemen allowed the arrest of 34 offenders for various crimes, including six for driving in state of 39, drunk, eight for upholding judicial demands pending, three for supermarket theft, two for aggravated theft, among others.
Similarly, Carabineros performed a total of 2,129 inspections and inspections, of which 1,272 were vehicle orders; 33 identity; 264 at the liquor stores; 331 controls using intoxication equipment; 15 violations of the Highway Code; 10 offenses against the law on alcohol; 11 audits to financial entities and 193 to commercial premises

The lawsuits for robbery continue
In connection with a robbery that affected a commercial establishment on Ruta 7 Sur in the city of Coyhaique, Comandante Martínez underlined a person accused of this fact was arrested, at the same time as a parallel procedure was conducted in order to locate a second individual who, after noticing the presence of the police, escaped into the waters cold and tumultuous of the city. Simpson River
After the investigations, the carabinieri recovered some of the species, which were subsequently recognized by the victim, the context of the proceedings being sent to the Attorney General's office who is conducting the investigation on this fact
. During the week, targeted services were provided, which were rehabilitated with the support of specialized units, aimed at increasing security levels in the upper sector of the city
Carabineros urged the community to adopt self-care measures, avoiding leaving valuable species in sight and before the eventuality of being victims or witnesses of crime, in a timely manner at the level of emergencies 133 or the quadrant number, making possible a quick response, as well as the collection and derivation of the background justice courts.

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