Accused of treason in his country, Trump now distances himself from Putin and praises the CIA and FBI – 07/17/2018


President Donald Trump's derogatory attitude toward US intelligence and the acceptance of the words of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that he had not intervened in US politics raised wave of indignation among his compatriots. Democrats and Republicans have called his position "shameful", "traitorous", and "dangerous". Even Hollywood celebrities, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Evans, have used social media to accuse him of being a "puppet" and a "coward".

Faced with this barrage of criticism, the president gave a press conference yesterday that radically changed his words, trying to mitigate the impact on his image. "I misrepresented myself .. I said that I did not see why it should have been Russia, but I should have said that there were no reasons why that should not be the case, I thought it would not be so clear with a double negative, "he said, trying to get out of the mess he had embarked on.

"I accept the conclusion of our intelligence community that Russia's interference in the elections of 2016 was produced, "Trump told the White House.He changed the meaning of his statements the day before in Helsinki, at the end of the summit with Putin, but it was hard to believe.

Monday , the US president categorically denied that Moscow used pirates to interfere in the campaign. two years ago, accepting Putin's words without discussion. "I have great confidence in my secret services.But I will tell you that President Putin has been extremely firm and energetic in his refusal," said Trump in Finland, surprising everyone and sparking him out. indignation in his country. He even co-heads the United States. and the investigations of their own Justice Department on the "Russiagate" for the bad relationship with Moscow by describing the investigation as a "witch hunt".

Just three days before his summit with Putin, the Justice Ministry itself The United States accused 12 Russian citizens accused of being intelligence agents and responsible for the acts of interference in the elections. Therefore, Trump's gesture of publicly accepting Putin's refusal and ignoring the findings of the intelligence community had caused such consternation in the country.

A shower of criticism quickly fell on the president. "He put the word of the KGB – the former Soviet intelligence agency – above that of the men and women of the CIA," said Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer. "The press conference in Helsinki has been one of the most shameful appearances of an American president since time immemorial," said Republican John McCain, chairman of the Senate Defense Committee.

The questions were strong in his own party. "Russia is not our friend," said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. "During my professional life, I saw a lot of people manipulated by the Russian secret services, but I never thought that the US president would be one of those used by the KGB alumni" said republican jurist Will Hurd. 19659002] The Fox Network, the president's traditional advocate, is badociated with criticism. It was an "unpleasant" or "not particularly firm" performance, their presenters said. Former CIA director John Brennan said Trump's performance was "plain and treacherous." "Putin has it completely in his pocket."

Republican Newt Gingrich, one of his biggest supporters, said that he was the most serious failure committed by Trump since he came to power a year and a half ago. Even Israel, his closest partner at the time, questioned his attitude. The Haaretz newspaper has published an opinion piece in which it states that "chaos is inevitable when a hegemonic power falls into disrepair." The United States is now this hegemonic power – the sick man of the globe – and the chaos is now inevitable. "

Among the most eloquent and amusing comments was that of the actor and former Republican governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who mocked the role of Trump before Putin. "You stayed there like a little wet noodle, like a little fanatic, I was wondering when you'd ask for an autograph, a selfie or something, you're the president of the US You should not do that. Is it wrong with you? "

Actor Chris Evans, known for his role as Captain America, tweeted:" That fool, that puppet, that coward, is tidy Putin's side about our own intelligence agencies! On the world stage, based on nothing more than Putin's word! Because? Can any one answer that? "

Yesterday, faced with widespread American anger, Trump retreated. "Let me tell you that I have absolute faith in our intelligence agencies," he said, trying to calm the waters. But it was already late.

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