Activate the blue code in the metropolitan area to protect people in street situations


Before the announcement of low temperatures and precipitation for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, the technical chart was set to determine the activation of the first blue year code in the metropolitan area , in addition to the municipalities of San Felipe and Los Andes in the Fifth Region

The instance was headed by the Minister of Social Development, Alfredo Moreno, and was integrated, inter alia, by the Intendance, the # 39; Army, Onemi, representatives of civil society and private companies. 19659002] "It's probably a historic effort to help the most vulnerable people deal with these events," said Minister Alfredo Moreno

. The state secretary explained that temporary shelters will be set up urgently, such as churches or churches. gyms, to provide shelter, shelter, food and health care to those in need. In the metropolitan area, for example, some of the places are the gyms that the company Enel has opened, in Santiago Centro and Independencia, the Municipal Gymnasium of Puente Alto and the parish of Santa Cruz of the Central Station. In its first activation, the blue code will add 420 beds in cities that will receive meteorological alert

What is the blue code

The blue code is to duplicate quotas and efforts to prevent people on the streets from being killed by extreme temperatures nowadays and is an unprecedented initiative in Chile, which has the largest cities in the world.

In the local case, it consists of duplicating the offer of quotas and attentions that already exist for this group, the afternoon of this Tuesday, where precipitation and temperatures should be less than 5 degrees, and for at least 24 hours. After this period, according to what the surveillance shows, the possible extension of the Blue Code will be decided

Minister @amorenocharme next to the mayor @KarlaEnAccion seremi @caterodrigueza and other authorities, gives order to the technical table which activates for the first time the # CodeAzul in the metropolitan area / F50mL61BYu [19659002] – Department of Social Development (@dsocial_gob) July 16, 2018

Minister Moreno also spoke of the importance of the collaboration of various institutions in this task. "To make all this possible, to allow more roads and more hostels, we need the cooperation of many.We have been coordinating with the Stewardship, with the communes where the Blue Code will be activated , with the Armed Forces, the Army that helps us make these shelters in such a short time, Carabineros, private enterprise, health authorities.There are many of us who come together to make this possible " , he said

Activated # CódigoAzul in the metropolitan area Come, alert and help

– Ministry of Social Development (@dsocial_gob) 16 July 2018

Numbers and Ways to Help

In addition, he called on people to collaborate in giving an opinion when they see a person in a street situation.This is why the website and the street Fono 80 0104777. "We call people to help us. If you see a person in a street situation, we ask you to inform us via the phone or the website, in order to send a vehicle that can badist and move. The goal is to leave no one defenseless.

The minister @amorenocharme moved to the parish of Santa Cruz, at the central station, for an inspection visit with the mayor @RodrigoDelgadoM and seremi @caterodrigueza to oversee the establishment of the place as an emergency shelter. # CodeAzul

– Ministry of Social Development (@dsocial_gob) July 16, 2018


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