Adis, Asimo: Honda announces the end of its robot of nearly 20 years


First humanoid

July 2, 2018

The company stopped producing humanoid man and dissolved the team in charge. However, clarify that there are plans to redevelop another robot

Run the year 2000, and the world ignores the revolution of the Internet of Things, 4G and the Cloud. And with the new century naca Asimo the first humanoid robot created by Honda.

Eighteen years later, it ended: this week, the manufacturer announced that stopped producing his robot bippo with Astronaut Form although specify that continue to use their technology in other products.

Specifically, Honda has disbanded the team in charge of the robot after more than 30 years of research. However, he says that it is planned to redevelop new bipedal robots in the future.

Asimo made his first public debut on [19octobre2000] after fourteen years of research to create a machine capable of walking like a person. Since then, the robot has been perfecting its ability to identify faces, serve tables or even conduct an orchestra with very human movements.

Originally, this humanoid was 120 centimeters tall and weighed 43 kilograms, although in recent years it has reached 130 centimeters, 54 kilos and has learned to run faster, recognizing faces and voice, memorize sentences and dodge objects . However, the project has ceased to receive significant updates since its last release, in the year 2011.

Asimo's life was not without milestones: in 2005, he visited the European Parliament; in 2002, he was the first non-human who gave the famous bell that marks the opening of the Wall Street Stock Exchange; He has been the protagonist of hundreds of technology conferences, he has spoken with presidents and monarchs Merkel and Obama, for example, he has acted in several commercials and even worked as a guide at the Tokyo Science Museum.

in 2008, when he was put in charge of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra to conduct The Man of La Mancha, surprising the audience and the musicians with their expressive movements and Natural Sciences:

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