Adopt the rules of labeling – Noticias Última Hora de Guatemala


Starting this month, Guatemalan producers must comply with the second stage of the Chile's Nutrition Labeling Act, approved in 2016, to continue to send their products to this market, informed the company. 39; Guatemalan Association of Exporters (Agexport

The objective of this regulation is to reduce obesity rates in this country, since more than 60% of the population is overweight, according to the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture.

According to Agexport, under Law 20606, companies must comply with the new maximum critical nutrient limits for sugar, sodium, calories and saturated fat.

are not in accordance with this provision, they must wear a warning stamp that the contents are high in some of the previous ingredients.

"It is necessary that Guatemalan exporters know these changes s implemented by the South American country, with


According to figures from the Banco de Guatemala, the export of goods and services in Chile generated 948 million US $ (709 million, $ 362 thousand). , equivalent to a 5% increase over 2016.

Also, to open this year its entry into the Chilean mango market, producers plan to export one million pounds of this fruit and that sales increase by 10% per year. • B. Jiguan

  Brenda Jiguan

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