Advertisement Ghostbusters mobile game


In the midst of Comic-Con taking place this weekend in San Diego, California, Sony presented what looks like the direct competition of Pokémon Go but in a world

The game's demo is called "Ghostbusters World" and was developed by Korean studios 4:33 and Next Age, using the open platform for developers that offers Google Maps.

In the game, you can choose 4 types of "proton packs", emblematic of the 80s of the film. These have different types of power to defeat and capture the 150 ghosts that roam the city, some being created specifically for video games.

Using data provided by Google Maps, you can see local buildings of 3D players as well as can incubate your own ghost using the pedometer on your mobile phone. In addition, there is the possibility to communicate by voice with your friends and colleagues, to coordinate and thus have a more successful campaign.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is that it was announced that the mode "History" will be written by the original comic authors which is published by IDW Publishing.

Ghosbusters World will be released in later this year for Android and iOS devices . d, s, id) {
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