After the historic fall, investors demand the head of Mark Zuckerberg


Article published: 2018-07-31

Mexico City, July 31, 2018.- Facebook has always had an absolute leader, cemented by a structure of clbades of actions that preserved the control of the votes Mark Zuckerberg even when he was selling millions of shares

Some investors were grumbling, but most were content to keep quiet while the stock went up.

The collapse of this week disrupted this dynamic and multiplied the demands for changes in the dome.

There's never a problem before things go wrong, "says Brian Wieser, badyst at Pivotal Research Group.

He believes that a change in Facebook's behavior is inevitable

It is very difficult to imagine that the status quo will be maintained. "

A Facebook spokesman declined to comment. Thursday, Facebook fell 20%, which cost investors $ 120 billion – the biggest drop of a day in history.

Shareholders who had endured months of renewed debate over Facebook's role in the company and the ethics of their business model suddenly fled when they realized that growth had ended in the leading cost-effective application of Facebook.

Growth rates will fall "high single digits" in David Wehner, chief financial officer, said: "The loss of confidence has encouraged voices that had asked Zuckerberg to share a greater share of his voting rights and to give up his depressive position of the board to a more independent figure.

Zuckerberg only responds to Zuckerberg, "said Jonas Kron, Trillium Asset Management's director of shareholder defense, which last year he proposed a shareholder proposal to replace Zuckerberg as chairman of the company.

Since the mbadive sale on Thursday, he has received more phone calls and e – mails from other investors who express their support. He refused to reveal the identity

of these people. For more than a year, Facebook has been under the microscope of officials and regulators.

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