Agricultural guilds criticize the fact that the factory Iansa of Linares does not buy beets


By a public statement signed by a large number of organizations, such as the National Federation of Remolacheros (FENARE) and the Peasants' Federation of the Province of Linares, among others, various unions have criticized the. announcement made by the company Iansa Thursday, where he informed that they will not buy or process beets in their Linares factory during 2019.

In addition, the final closure of equipment in the Maule region is evaluated.

"We can report that we had been continuously informed by the company, but yesterday this reality was broken with the statement issued by Iansa, will bring the respect and understanding we had.The existing trust has come to an end after having been informed by the press of the claims of the sugar factory ", writes the text.

"We regret the decision not to receive beet in 2019 in Linares, we express throughout this process, the company has created false expectations, is mocked of we, and played with our future and that of our families.Our feeling is that of anger, helplessness, uncertainty, worry, fear and frustration what will happen, "she adds. who will help their clients (internal and external) to achieve their goals, who will encourage employment, good work practices and will be in accordance with their business values, will take action against the community and its various audiences , violating its principles and culture. Apparently, they are not as complete as they say, "they argue in the letter.

"We firmly believe that closure not only influences external factors such as the international price of sugar or the exchange rate," say the signatories, who say "we are ready to continue to defend our source of work, our future and that of our families with the ultimate consequences. We firmly believe that there are specific actions that the authorities and the company Iansa can do to keep the factory running. "

In addition to the National Federation of Remolacheros (FENARE), the document is signed by the Association Linares Beet Producers., Association of Sugar Beet Growers, Association of Beet Growers and Malleco, Aproleche Bio Bio, Federation of Farmers of Linares Province, Union of Iansa Linares Workers,

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