Alicia Bárcena, eager to collaborate with the government of López Obrador • Forbes México


Notimex .- The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena, said that she would pay him tribute and would be available to collaborate with the next government that will lead the winning candidate in the presidential elections in Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Bárcena said that it is up to López Obrador to "take the option" regarding the proposal he made at the second presidential debate on May 20, so that it would be Mexico's ambbadador to the United Nations (UN).

"I would be very honored to be able to collaborate in the efforts of this fourth transformation, as it is called," he added, considering that the electoral process that Mexico experienced last time Sunday is historic and memorable for the maturity of Mexican democracy.

After the above-mentioned debate, Bárcena excluded at that time leaving Cepal to go to the presidential candidate's campaign

See also: EXCLUSIVE: Alicia Bárcena plans not to accept the proposal of AMLO

As part of the presentation of the report The international civil servant felt that it was possible to double the amount of pensions for the elderly and a program for young people, as proposed by the winner of the election

. At a press conference, he felt that these programs, as well as other economic proposals of López Obrador, will be possible with the measures that he has proposed to achieve savings, reduce expenses and stimulate investment spending.

Bárcena recalls that in recent weeks, López Obrador has designated her as Mexico's future ambbadador to the UN, on which she said she currently has responsibilities in Cepal and At the United Nations, we are already talking about a government. "

" Like Cepal and me as a Mexican, I am very proud of the process that Mexico experienced, which I think is historic, a memorable day in the maturity of Mexican democracy and I think we all of us, not just the entire UN, put at the service of a government that begins, with all its strengths, its capabilities and its experience. "

As for knowing he will collaborate with the government of López Obrador, he added: "This is not mine, it is up to the election winner to take the Option and with pleasure, when that happens, you will be the first to know, for the moment I am in my position, I am very happy and I think I can help a lot with a lot of love and a lot of conviction. "

Bárcena pointed out that in the July 1 federal election, a process and with great concord, and did not happen the" mess "that some thought," I believe that this has won hope and I think that companies are calling expectations, and I think it will deprive positive expectations if we make progress in these areas "

Finally, he said that the policies proposed by López Obrador and those that could eventually constitute his cabinet could contribute to to direct foreign investment in Mexico, especially if his government makes specific proposals to increase public spending.

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