AMDA asks the new government to promote the sale of cars and transform the Repuve


To reactivate the marketing of new vehicles in the country, the Mexican Association of Automobile Distributors (AMDA) has sent a series of petitions to the next federal administration, such as the elimination of land tenure and the price stability.

The Deputy Director General of the Agency, Guillermo Rosales Zárate, recalled the need to reach a broad national agreement through a general law that rethinks the collection of taxes on vehicles.

In this regard, mentioned that charges such as the tax on the rental of vehicles must be left out because it is obsolete and does not take into account the new factors on the market. automotive, as are technological advances

"The comfortable formula in which secretaries should be left out of finance are left waiting for transactions in distribution agencies," customers pay the bill and more is high, more

Similarly, do not consider factors such as lower emissions, greater safety or lower risks. "None of this is taken into account in these formulas, it is only the total price of the invoice, this percentage and the payment."

For the taxpayers of Mexico City and the State of Mexico, the payment of the tenure remains a partial subsidy, whenever it is harder not to consider the l & # 39; increase these grant levels as the update factor.

Another variable of the tax question is the vehicles are up to 175,000 pesos the same as in 2007.

He told Notimex that in the macro -sphere responsible fiscal policy must be maintained, facilitating the conditions to increase financing and price stability

During the first quarter of the year, added to the decline of 12 consecutive months in sales Of light motor vehicles in the country, there was a 7.5% decrease in auto credit compared to the same period of the year or earlier.

He insisted on deepening the control of the import of used vehicles without yielding to the pressure of regularizing illegal cars; between January and April, there was an increase of 16.7% in imported vehicles, with 44,497 units of this type, or 6,365 more than at the same time in 2017.

Also pointed out that it would require the establishment of a national vehicle control system that transforms the obsolete and unusable public vehicular register (Repuve) and makes it possible to end with disorder in vehicular procedures States, which caused the increase of the procedures and taxes.

Rosales Zárate said that it must be guaranteed public security as a precondition for investment and consumption


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