Amelia: The long journey of a small baby dead after confused diagnoses | National


A summary opened the hospital Carlos Van Buren of Valparaíso, after a girl only 1 year and 9 months died for alleged medical malpractice and lack of beds in the main Wellness Center of Buenos Aires.

The fact goes back to last Wednesday, when the minor died after a long journey that he lived with his parents to be able to benefit from the corresponding medical care.

According to parents, Mauricio Salazar and Camila Jorquera, leaders of the Las Cañas Community Center, a few weeks ago, Amelia became ill, diagnosed by six different doctors with colds, nasopharyngitis and even bronchitis . To this, adds – blame the relatives – that the girl could not be vaccinated against the flu, because twice the vaccination of Cesfam Las Cañas was not available.

The previous thing, derivative in which last Monday the miner began to feel fever. According to reports, in the post of hospital Carlos Van Buren they excluded pneumonia and sent him home . On Tuesday afternoon, a kinesiologist from Cesfam told them that there were signs of pneumonia and that he was sending them home with medication.


Calling a private emergency service, they moved little Amelia to Carlos Van Buren, where she was finally diagnosed with an influenza type A. According to parents, he was already early Wednesday morning. The care facility was warned that there were no beds in the intensive care unit (ICU) . And not only because they were even told that there were none in hospitals or clinics in the area.

It was during this conversation that the hospital staff asked them to leave the room because they were going to start a procedure. Moments later, around 7 am, they were told that the child was seriously ill and only 10 minutes later, they told him that his daughter was dead.

"Amelia should not die"

In a conversation with Radio Bío Bío, Camila Jorquera, mother of little Amelia, commented that there can not be more children dying lack of beds or slow procedures. ]

"We are in winter, it is a greater need, we need a children's hospital in Valparaíso (…) a precedent must be put in place because Amelia should not to be dead, "he said.


In relation to the actions Possible lawsuit Camila says that they advise several of the lawyers and doctors who seek to review the procedure followed at Carlos Van Buren Hospital and Cesfam Las Cañas.

Despite the sadness for the personal tragedy, parents of Amelia Do not lose the underlying problem: As leaders of Las Cañas Hill, the couple criticizes the fact that only once a week is a bronchopulmonary specialist. Indeed, they badure that her daughter had an hour of attention for another month.

Therefore, for this week they organize a kind of demonstration

Radio Bío Bío contacted the Department of Communications of the Carlos Van Buren Hospital, d & rsquo; Where it was indicated Monday they will study referring to the summary in progress for the death of the little Amelia.

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