AMLO awaits its record as president-elect


CITY OF MEXICO.- The virtual elected President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has ruled out coming next week to Puerto Vallarta, host city of the Pacific Alliance Summit. Enrique Peña Nieto will be president pro tempore of the XIIIth edition, to be held on July 23 and 24

According to, this was announced this afternoon by López Obrador himself, at 39, a press conference. from his office in Colonia Roma, where he also touched on the issue of INE fine, which he described as "unfair" and "draconian".

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" I will not be in Puerto Vallarta because it has been delayed the delivery of the evidence that I am the elected president and that I can not go to an official ceremony I am the elected president.

"When I President Peña thought that Tuesday I was going to be the elected president, but I am not yet and I can not attend an act without being legally elected president, "he said.

However, López Obrador confirmed that Canadian Chancellor Chrystia Freeland, will be received next week at his office in Colonia Roma after announcing his visit to Mexico to meet with the Mexican government to address the issue of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

"The Chancellor arrives on Wednesday. Here I get because it's different. Like the American commission that came to see us here, and now the Chancellor of Canada is coming. "

Trust:" INE Advisers exceeded "

On the draconian" fine "of 197 million pesos imposed by INE on Morena party, López Obrador considered that the advisers "went overboard"

" This case that I consider unfair on the part of the INE the draconian fine against Morena, without any justification, there is no legal basis, whatever we say, because the money, initially, does not come from the INE, it has nothing to do with prerogatives. "19659002" It's a confidence we create Morena's lawmakers will contribute and support the victims. They have met, up to now 85 million, have benefited 28 thousand victims who received 2,400 pesos each. That's the report, there is no diversion of resources, "said López Obrador

He added that this money was not used to buy votes for Morena and reiterated that INE Advisers overstepped. window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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