AMLO says he will invite Trump to his inauguration


Mexico's elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced Thursday that he will be urging US President Donald Trump to attend his inauguration on Dec. 1 and that he will "decide".

will make the invitation. We are neighboring countries, we have economic trade relations, friendship ties, we are very concerned about development cooperation with the United States government, we have 3,180 km of border … so the President Trump will be invited, "he insisted.

As usual in the administrative relays, the invitation was issued to other Presidents and Heads of State, including the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but López Obrador stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with his northern neighbors, countries are plunged into the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement

Trump was a permanent critic of Mexico and said that he would force him to pay a wall on the common border, which the Mexican authorities rejected. "López Obrador – also known as AMLO, for its acronym – insisted that it will avoid a confrontation and that its foreign policy based on three pillars: non-interference in internal affairs, the & # 39; self-determination and peaceful settlement of disputes. In a long press conference, the virtual president-elect announced that he will propose to the former mayor of Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard, as future chancellor, a position that must be ratified by the Senate. "I have all the confidence, it's an experienced man who will help us a lot," he said.

In fact, it will be Ebrard who will prepare the meeting of López Obrador with the Secretary of State of the United States, Michael Pompeo, on July 13, a meeting that will aim to "take a first look" on the bilateral agenda between the two countries.

In addition, the left-wing transitional team will present in the United States "an overview of the proposal" on their approaches, in the words of López Obrador, which will be made public immediately for the sake of transparency.

During his visit to Mexico, Pompeo will also meet current President Enrique Peña Nieto and Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray.

Marcelo Ebrard – who will also lead López Obrador's participation at the Pacific Alliance summit in Puerto Vallarta on July 24 – was mayor of the Mexican capital between 2006 and 2012, soon after by López Obrador. Previously, he was Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs in the last stage of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, of which he is still the official Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).

During his tenure as mayor, charge of the Democratic Revolution Left Party (PRD), Ebrard was the subject of severe criticism, especially, for the construction problems that took place in a subway line in the capital and forced this section to close for almost a year.

López Obrador has been surrounded by the press since his victory and has been ready to answer questions although sometimes he was in the midst of an intense take. As he explained, he still has not decided how he will address the issue of his safety, although he has argued that he will not use the "police station". Presidential General Staff, as did the previous leaders.

He insists that – "they will protect me" but given the high expectations that their victory has generated, he asked the media, just "a little privacy."

"They do not let me rest," joked reporters. [ad_2]
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