An 11-year-old boy and his 16-year-old brother were part of a gang that dismantled a warehouse in San Bernardo | National


Richard Jiménez, DNA

An 11-year-old boy was arrested with three adults and his younger brother after committing a robbery at a pet food distributor in the municipality of San Bernardo .

The robbery affected the company PetMarket located in San Martín de Porres Street with San Agustín, at the point where thieves arrived in two vehicles.

After the alert, Carabineros staff at the location, noticing the presence of a truck and a van loaded 159 sacks of food .

Seeing the police, the gang fleeing on the central road, being intercepted and detained in the town of Renca .

"They were surprised to load the vehicles and fly into these On their back, they climbed and entered the warehouse ," said Lieutenant Gabriel Gálvez, of the Metropolitan Prefecture of the Carabineros de Maipo

The detainees were identified as Felipe Luengo (34), Allan Campos (30), Iván Campos (25) and the two under 16 and 11 years old. given to his mother

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