An asteroid 4 times larger than the United Kingdom will pass closer to Earth than ever before in history


The 4 Vesta will be so close to the planet Earth that it can be seen with the naked eye from any point of the earth. Panic time?

With more than 800,000 square kilometers the asteroid known as " 4 Vesta " will pbad closer to the planet Earth than it does. Is never found in history. It will be so close that it can be seen with the naked eye during nights until mid-July.

50 times larger than the asteroid that annihilated the dinosaurs millions of years ago, the Vesta 4 was discovered in Bremen. ) on March 29, 1807, by Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers . And it is true that he had never come so close to the Earth. However, NASA has already badured that she is not considered a threat to our planet. The asteroid will grow to 170.6 million kilometers

4 Vesta Asteroid can be spotted in the sky unaided, near the constellation Sagittarius
The asteroid is 50 times wider than time which has annihilated dinosaurs https: // A monumental asteroid

This asteroid is so large, that NASA theorizes that he has already been the victim of multiple clashes with other asteroids. smaller, being marked with a variety of craters on its surface. This, and its monumental size, allows the light of different celestial bodies to reflect more than other asteroids.

This asteroid has become somewhat difficult to predict through this kind of collisions in which he became involved, suffering changes in their trajectory whenever any of these events occur. However, the space agency does not believe that this becomes a danger to humanity. Also, just in case, security measures already exist. There are official programs of defense against asteroids and comets. Even if you do not expect anything like Armaggedon

  can we send them anyway?

During the nights, the 4 Vesta can be observed as a yellow luminous object. Those who seek it can find it between Mars, Saturn and the constellation Sagittarius, every evening until July 16th.

Asteroid 4 Vesta now close enough to see https: // t .co / SSWA1pB6CY

– peter max (@ AuthorityBrand1) June 27, 2018

Are you one of those astronomy fans who will come to watch this incredible event?

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