An eight-month-old natalino baby died of a respiratory disease


D urante
the winter season increases the circulation of respiratory viruses,
because of low temperatures. Diseases
respiratory diseases and emergency care because of this pathology
They become more frequent during this time of the year.

the most serious hospitalizations are in the
Hospital Clínico de Magallanes (HCM), to be the health center more
great in the area. According to the director (s) of the HCM, Claudio Barría, this
The winter was very different from the year 2017.

"In these
dates we thought to activate the health alert, which was activated
during the months of August and September. This year, at the beginning of
June, we had an increase in the number of consultations and
Hospitalizations due to respiratory causes, which have been maintained
in control over the last few weeks. "

However, Barría said that "on Saturday, a baby, coming from
the city of Puerto Natales was consulted at Dr. Augusto Hospital
Essmann Burgos of said city and was isolated by a syncytial virus
Respiratory It is a baby about eight months old, which given
his clinical condition and the worsening of his condition was derived
HCM on Sunday, in a state of gravity. Condition by which during
the day of admission, pbad exams and do the study and
clinical evaluation has undergone a cardiorespiratory
could overcome, confirming the death in the afternoon of the

First case

HCM deputy director Claudio Barría said that it is the
first case of death due to acute or severe respiratory infection
during the year. "This death is much more sensitive because it is
of an eight-month-old baby, which saddens the entire community

By regulation, in these cases, a
audit conducted by Seremi Santé, since all
died in less than a year. We, as a safety and security mechanism
quality of our patients, we will also conduct the audit
corresponding to determine possible causes beyond the
respiratory infection, which can be chronic conditions of the patient
this would apparently not have been the case, "explained

Endowment of beds

this time, the use of beds becomes more and more constant
for the causes of respiratory diseases, for which Barría stated that "it is
a situation of continuous stress in the staff who is in the
hospitalization services. As a hospital, we give
high and entering new patients, where there is always a
the stress situation is in the Critical Patient Unit, that is to say in the

Today, we are with about nine patients who are
with mechanical ventilation and we are at the top. This is always variable
because it must be considered that patients of the Patient Unit
Critics are serious patients so they have some degree of risk
vital and always the statistics change. "


for the number of patients with the virus due to Influenza Barría commented
that "the number is comparatively less, but it is not either
significant However, compared to last year in this
minute we had a lot more general questions but as for
the percentage of viruses isolated was lower. In fact, it's very weird
badfeeding or pediatric patients have died due to causes
Respiratory, "concluded Barría

Some tips for prevention and self-care of the community :

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water Strengthen with alcohol during the day

• Avoid indoor pollution

• No smoking

• Ventilate the home for at least 10 to 15 minutes per day

• Use facial tissue disposable and remove immediately.

• sneezing covering the mouth and nose with the forearm, not with the hands.

• Protects from the cold and avoids sudden changes in temperature

@ JesúsNieves

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