And then they say that it is not the Brazilian asset: Bolsonaro will move the Brazilian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem


President-elect Jair Bolsonaro reiterated Thursday his intention to move the Brazilian embbady in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as had already made the United States and Guatemala.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly announced Welcome to the plan.

In a tweet published on Thursday, Bolsonaro said, "As I said earlier during our campaign, we intend to move the Brazilian Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem." Israel is a sovereign state and we should all respect him. "

This was the first time since his election last Sunday that Bolsonaro was referring to his plan to move the diplomatic headquarters.

In Israel, Netanyahu issued a statement praising Bolsonaro "I congratulate my friend President-elect of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, for her intention to move the Brazilian Embbady to Jerusalem – a historic, just and exciting step! "Said the note.

congratulates him on his election victory and invites him to visit the country.

If Bolsonaro keeps his promises, Brazil will become the third country to transfer its diplomatic legation to Jerusalem, after the United States and Guatemala. Later, he returned to Tel Aviv after the election of his new president, Mario Abdo Benitez.

Palestinians claim Jerusalem, taken by Israel in the 1967 war, the capital of the future state, while Israel considers the whole city, including the eastern sector where the most important religious sites are located, as an eternal capital.

Most countries have embbadies in Tel Aviv that the final status of Jerusalem must be decided during negotiations.

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