And … where is my purchase ?: How tracking is revolutionizing e-commerce in Chile | Economy


It's like an act of magic. You can lie on the couch, on the way to the airport or on the edge of a swimming pool on vacation, and at the touch of a button, the product you are looking for will appear on the not your door. es), but few know that with the movement of their finger, they launched a series of gear in charge of making a purchase quickly and safely; and where you can monitor each step through followed .

Follow what?

The service of followed or followed via the web is a system where the store refers to the customer at any time when your order is located, from the moment you do until the package touches you. The implementation is possible through small technological miracles, such as wireless identification and positioning (RFID).

One of the pioneering sites in Chile to set up this real-time tracking is, thanks to which you can withdraw your purchase quickly

Imagine you want a new TV. Let's start with the really difficult thing: choose it. Once selected, the system will ask you to indicate where and when you want to receive it, or if you prefer to pbad it in store, which will save you time and shipping costs.

Sent the order, you just have to relax and check your purchase status. Tracking will instantly tell you when it is confirmed, in what part of the route it is, and when it is already available for retirement or has been sent to your home.

And with a six-month growth in e-commerce in Chile nearly 30%, it is not surprising that customer expectations also increase in the same proportion. That's why, when you make your next purchase online, make sure your store gives you the peace of mind to control the entire process … by simply pressing a button. your phone.

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