Andre Esteves acquitted by Brazilian justice


The founder of the investment bank, BTG Pactual, was acquitted for corruption, charged in 2015.

This Thursday, Andre Esteves was acquitted for corruption by a federal judge in Brazil. The founder of the investment bank, BTG Pactual, had been arrested in 2015.

From Bloomberg, they detailed that Judge Ricardo Leite, released the banker, saying that he did not have any money. There was "no valid evidence" of a conviction, according to a court document. In September of last year, prosecutor Ivan Claudio Marx recommended that the charges be dropped.

When he was charged with corruption, Esteves spent three weeks in Bangu Prison in Rio de Janeiro for being accused of bribery. participate in a plan to alter the testimony of a former leader of Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Nestor Cervero

The investment bank based in Sao Paulo – whose fallen boss joked that his initials meant " better than Goldman "(better Than Goldman) – praised Esteves as a senior partner two days after his release from house arrest in April 2016.

Other people were also acquitted today, including former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who is in prison serving a sentence after being found guilty of bribery in another case.

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