Andrés López Obrador recounted a first "respectful" dialogue with Donald Trump


Donald Trump spoke by telephone with Andrés Manuel López Obrador winner of the presidential elections in Mexico, during the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the possibility of a "separate agreement" between the two countries "We had a great conversation, about half an hour, we talked about security Border We Speak On Trade We Are Talking About NAFTA And A Separate Agreement Only Between Mexico And United States ]"said Trump"

"I think the relationship will be very good We'll see what happens but I really think it will be fine ," added Trump. beginning of his meeting with the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte. [19659002] Trump, who has complained in recent months that Mexico "is doing nothing" for the United States on the common border, predicted that López Obrador will help him with his priorities in security and immigration

"I think he's going to try to help us with the border.We have incredibly bad border laws, immigration laws that are the weaker in the world and everyone laughs and Mexico has very strong laws on immigration, so it can help us until we repair ours ", said Trump.

The big surprise of support

] Trump pointed out that López Obrador received "excellent, even better than expected" support in Sunday's presidential elections in Mexico, and claimed that 39, he continued his political career.

"I told him a few years ago when I l & # 39; I saw him attend another election, in a different year and a different election, I said that someday he would be the president of Mexico . He remembered that, and it turned out to be correct, "says Trump, without specifying when this alleged last conversation took place.

" Respectful Treatment "

López Obrador at the call in a tweet, where he pointed out that he had proposed " to explore a comprehensive agreement; development projects that create jobs in Mexico and thereby reduce migration and improve security. "

I received a call from Donald Trump and we talked for half an hour about development that generates jobs in Mexico, and with that, reduce migration and improve security, there has been a respectful treatment and our representatives will speak.

– Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) July 2, 2018

The wall of discord

Despite the optimism of both, one of Trump's advisers again mentioned the One of the "In the case of Mexico, we obviously share a border with them and this president made it clear that wanted to build this wall and that Mexico pays ," said Trump's counselor, Kellyanne Conway on the television channel Fox News . [ad_2]
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