Andrs Roccatagliata replaces Tokman in front of Enap


From the world of finance comes the new general manager of the national oil company (Enap), Andrs Roccatagliata, currently vice president of Banco Ripley in Chile and Per. Previously, he was the general manager of Ripley Chile (he was linked to this retailer for 10 years) and before that he worked for 20 years at various positions at Banco Santander

Roccatagliata, who replaced Marcelo Tokman of August 6 Next, he was one of 106 candidates who went through the selection process promoted by the Seminarium Headhunter almost two months ago.

From this group, 69 professionals were contacted to reach a short list which was then presented to the board of directors. an ad hoc committee

With regard to the experience of the new managing director in other markets than that of the company, the chairman of the board of directors of the company, Loreto Silva, has explained: "In Enap, there are professionals who know the energy sector and society well, today we are looking for a fresh and innovative look that allows us to make a leap forward in the sector. Andrs has a very refined business look that knows how to use the opportunities, generate alliances and adapt large companies to highly competitive industries and environments. "

Among the challenges that the new CEO will face is putting Enap's business development plan, through which it seeks to increase the ability of the company to adapt and innovate.

The current managing director, Marcelo Tokman, will remain one more month in office.

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