Angela Merkel and the German Minister of the Interior reach an agreement on migration | International


The German Minister of the Interior, in conflict with Angela Merkel on the Immigration Policy announced Monday that she had reached an agreement with the Chancellor on this question and said that it would remain in After difficult days and difficult negotiations today, I think we have reached a good agreement, "said the head of the German government to the press at the end of what was presented as the last conciliation attempt with his minister Horst Seehofer which demanded greater firmness on the borders against asylum seekers already registered in other countries of the EU

"After intensive negotiations" between Merkel's center-right party, the CDU, and the Bavarian Conservative Party CSU, "we agree" on the measures aimed at reducing irregular immigration said Horst Seehofer, who is also president of the CSU

The Social Democratic Party, third partner of the coalition government, has yet to give its approval to the agreement.

"We have a clear agreement on how to prevent in the future illegal immigration on the border between Germany and Austria," said Mr Seehofer, putting thus ending the struggle he has been waging for weeks with Chancellor Merkel for immigration policy

. allows me to continue to lead the Federal Ministry of the Interior " he added.On Sunday, Seehofer had offered his resignation on the grounds that it would not be possible to reach a Compromise with the Chancellor

Finally, he recoiled and proposed a last attempt at negotiation.

The compromise obtained provides that, in the future, asylum seekers arriving in Germany but already registered in other countries of the European Union (EU) are driven to "transit centers" at the border and are not distributed in places of reception by the country.

Their cases will be examined and sent to the EU countries from which they arrived, and returns should be organized in the framework of administrative agreements with the countries concerned.

The Minister of Transport Interior first claimed the rejection at the border of all registered migrants res in another EU country. Merkel rejected, on behalf of the European Commission and to avoid a "domino effect" on the continent.

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