Announce that the descent of the south bridge of Cauque will take place this Saturday | National


After three days of work, during this day should finalize the descent of the south bank of the bankruptcy Puente Cau Cau in Valdivia .

Authorities of the Department of Public Works confirmed the delay caused by climatic factors ensuring that once this initial process is completed, the lifting or lowering time will be reduced between 5 at 10 minutes.

The work began last Thursday with the successful decline of the north panel, the controversial work of the Valdivia rocking bridge – executed by the Tecnogrúas company – and the descent of the south panel, by the Isla Teja sector , was extended from Friday morning to this Saturday, [19659002] Jose Luis Uriarte Territorial Head of the MOP, a supported the impact of climatic factors in the postponement. / 06 / jose-luis-uriarte- 1-pdr.mp3

Uriarte confirmed the resumption of work, stating that they require comprehensive safety measures during this first phase which, once completed, will leave room for the proper lifting and lowering mechanism tests, and finally the badessment of the safety conditions for its authorization of pbadage of the light vehicles, realized by the North American company Madjeski and Master.

Mariana Concha, Executive Director of the MOP, added that the operation of this type of bridges involved restrictions on climatic factors, ensuring that once the initial stages are completed, the operating times will be considerably reduced. .mp3

The authorities have stressed that the deadlines for the implementation of the solutions , provisional and final, remain unchanged.

Once the failed viaduct stabilized horizontally, the expert team will conduct the evaluation within two weeks, to begin its provisional use on [25août1945] August 25 this year .

Thus, during the hours of this afternoon this process should be finalized where the authorities will establish a new point of press to publish the balance of the first phase of leaving the viaduct d & # 39; Tilt horizontally.
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