Announcement of the first iPS stem cell transplant to treat Parkinson's disease


A Japanese university announced today that it had performed the first induced pluripotency stem cell transplant (iPS) to treat Parkinson's disease .

The transplant, the first of its kind in the world for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, was carried out last month by the Kyoto University Hospital, announced the training center today.

The recipient was a patient aged about 50, whose identity was not provided, who will be subject to periodic reviews for two years to prevent rejection.

" We performed a trepanation of the left side of the head (of the patient) and we transplanted 2.4 Millions of cells told reporters the University surgeon Takayuki Kikuchi from Kyoto in a statement collected by local Kyodo agency.

The cells used were created using iPS stem cells from immunity-type donors which makes them less likely to reject grafts. 19659003] Parkinson's disease, which involves chronic degeneration of neurons, has still not healed In Japan alone, there are an estimated 160,000 people with progressive neurological disorders.

On March 29, 2017, scientists from the Kobe Medical Center, in western Japan, announced the first surgical transplant performed in Japan.Humans with iPS cells in the retina of a patient. t

The patient, with macular degeneration of the retina – an insoluble eye disorder that can cause blindness – received an injection of solution with retinal cells developed from other iPS of a donor.

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