Another shameful record: 30 new deaths reported in the Sename network so far in 2018


MP René Saffirio (Ind.) Delivered a new death toll in the National Service for Minors network in the first quarter of 2018.

The parliamentarian noted that January, February and March this year, 30 people responsible for the organization died (including 14 minors).

One of the cases is a 17-year-old miner who died in Independencia due to a traumatic brain injury caused by a bullet, another of the same age in San Antonio who was drowned. In Puente Alto, a case of hanging asphyxia was recorded, and a two-year-old boy in Independencia died after being electrocuted in his house, among others.

"These are the same causes of death that are historically repeated, they did not take a period in which the present government was not yet badumed, therefore it is not the direct responsibility of the current government, however, no administrative or legislative action has yet been taken to support this in the second quarter of this year. "

The Member explained that the Ministry will provide a report with these data to Congress every three months and badured that "nothing has changed inside Sename. "All the speeches that were made in their tone did not result in any significant changes in the quality of life or the safety of children."

By a press release, the National Service for Minors went on to clarify the information provided by MP Saffirio, noting that "this is not a matter of the deceased" in the Sename centers ", since the majority of them were in ambulatory programs (protection zone) or were purging a sanction in freedom (juvenile justice), which means that they lived at home and were responsible for their family networks. "

The State Agency added that" each of these cases and their details were reported to the Family Court or Justice, if any, and was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office , to determine possible responsibilities. "

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