Apple and Samgung bet on the ropes in Italy for millions of fines


The justice of this country has accused the giants of technology of having applied so-called "dishonest business practices".

Technology giants Apple and Samsung will face fines of several million in Italy, after the regulator of this country decided that

"The companies of the Apple group and the group Samsung have engaged in dishonest business practices, "said the Italian regulator of competition in a statement. after conducting an investigation.

This is the first time that a court has fined Apple and Samsung for the alleged planned obsolescence.

What is it? The Italian authorities accuse companies of deliberately reducing the speed of their old devices and deliberately limiting their lifetime in order to encourage users to buy a new one.

The Italian competition regulator has been fined 10 million euros.

According to the Italian competition authorities, these companies forced their customers to download applications, knowing that eventually they would damage their phones.

In this sense, the Italian entity, the operating system updates in the old models of Apple and Samsung "caused serious malfunctions and significantly reduced their performance, thereby accelerating

For the Italian authorities, Samsung encouraged the owners of their Model Note 4 to install a new version of Android (the Google operating system) intended for the most recent model, Note 7, as a result of slowing them down.

Apple would have encouraged owners of iPhone 6 smartphone models to install an operating system designed for the iPhone 7, which posed the same problem. 19659011] THE REPUBLIC + "title =" THE REPUBLIC + "/>

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